08 June 2009

Super V Ipoh Race: Part 2

Haha. It shouldn't even be Super V Ipoh race title for this blog post. Muwahahaha. It should've been Lata Kinjang mandi-manda trip. Haha. Oh well, this is the post where I would continue to talk about the race supposedly. But then I don't think it will. Cause I SLEPTTTTTT all the way~ -_-" I missed my race because of my sleep? WTF. -_-" well actually, my tiredness was really super from that Saturday. Imagine lah, the drive, the jam, the sesat, the pushing up Super V, the riding one run, the trying to get my bike fixed. It's all jammed up. And my tiredness came to an end. With a sleep throughout the day and didn't even raced. -_-"

Aku dah txt dah si Hafiz kol 815am sewaktu aku terjaga. Aku tanya sempat lagi ke? Dia cakap dah nak taklimat. Aku cakap kat dia aku pun kalo laju, sampai kol 9. Dia kata kol 9 dah ada atas dah pun. :( aku pun sambung lah tidorrrr. Hahaha. Then, I woke up at 11am. Took my shower & waited for Sara to get ready too. We planned to go and eat Nasi Ganja at Tg. Rambutan. Tapi tak jumpa. Wakakaka. So, we ate at this nasi campur small shop near the KTM station. Not too sure the name. -_-"

This is mine. Nasi puteh, sotong masak merah, tempe masak cili & pucuk paku masak lemak tempoyak. Fuh~ THE BEST TEMPOYAK DOW! Haha. Disertai juga 2 air nescafe ais. Hehe.

This is Sara's lunch meal. Haha. Aku tau, dia makan banyak kan? Meriah gile dow. Haha. Nasi puteh, ikan kari bendi, ayam masak merah & udang masak lemak. Tank besau. Muwahahaha. :P Disertai dgn air teh ais. Mmg konyang lah dia en.

Ini lah rupa beliau sewaktu menjamah makanan tersebut. Beliau dikatakan hilang akal sewaktu ini.

Akan tetapi, Sara tidak menghabiskan makanannye! ;(

Burppp~ This is mine. What's left? Sambal belacan, nasi puteh berlebihan(bakal menanges di akhirat nanti) dan juga sudu & garfu. Haha. Tidak lupa juga pinggan kosong. Haha.

Tanjung rambutan dengan bas nye. Haha. Old skewl.

Then, I thought of singgah-ing the Super V race for the finals but then, tanak saket hati punya pasal sbb tak dapat join race, I just get the heck out of Ipoh and went straight forrrrr LATA KINJANG WATERFALLS! Wuhu! This is my first time being there. (err, maybe masa kecik ada kot but can't remember?)

This is our on the way to Lata Kinjang. Balik tak rasa jauh plak en. Hehe. Yeah, because that little someone didn't sleep all the way cause I didn't let her. Haha. She had to yap & yap with me all the way. Haha.

This is the first thing I took when I arrived at the spot I wanted to. Beautiful isn't it? :) Had to pay RM1 parking fees kononnye at those kampung kiddos. Haaa, I don't know lah if they were for real. I just paid lah. Cause it's their territory. Kang jadi pape kat kete aku. Mampoih~ Parking cam haram. Sempit sial. Haha. Hentam je lah labu. Then, aku plak posing. Hehehe.

Haha. Aku gelap. Flash tak sampai. Ni lah hasilnye. So shut the fuck up! :P

So, we arrived at the spot. Nice spot I would say. Put our bag at the side where I don't think anyone would be able to take it. Relax dulu. Then, tunggu these indians to finish their mandi, then ada couple ni plak nak mandi. Then dierang dah ketepi, aku & Sara just jump into the waterfall lah! Haha. EXTREMELY COLD SHIT MAN! :P

Haha. Nampak cam senang kan dok kat waterfall posing camtu? Kau tak tau yang aku terketaq2 tu tahan tekanan pressure waterfall yang ada dekat dalam 8000 newton. Haha. Poyo je. Cam tau plak aku kire. :P

Haaa, ni puteri sejinjang sesat kat Lata Kinjang. Kekeke.

Then we wrapped it up at around 530pm? But before we wrapped it up, wah, Sara penuh peminat kat Lata Kinjang ni. Dari photographer yang patot buat wedding shots je, tros amek gambar dia. Ada lah bujang2 yang mandi kat situ pun, minat nak amek gambar dia. Haha. Adoyai. Pastu, ni dah betol2 nak balik, Sara fell! Gedebuk! Terkejut aku. Aku punya lah tengah susah payah nak standby turunkan dia, tetibe she just fell! Saket! Sian dia. Siku dia luka. Berlobang gak lah. Haish. Mamat yg suke dia tu, amek gambar dgn dia tu pun datang offer tolong, memula nak tolong amek barang2 aku tu. Aku macam takpe lah. Then, cam susah gak, dia offer lagi sekali, aku bagi je lah. Aku tolong plak si Sara ni bangun suma bagai. Sian dia. Luka2 sume. ;( Ni skang ni pun dia tengah saket2 pale katanye. Haish.

Ni gambar kiterang before dia jatuh golek dog. Ngeee~

Dan blog ini diakhiri dengan gambar lobang siku si Sara neh.
Ah, cam gross lah plak kite akhiri dgn gambar begini en?

Hehe. Gambar cani lah baru cun! :P Hamster bersama Polar bear. :P Sekian terima kasih! Haha.


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