31 January 2007

Virgin on KLMBH 1st Hash of 2007.

As a virgin in this hash. The short course was just crap. Almost half of it is on road. Off roading in plantations. WTF is that? I don't want to even talk about it. I'll just post up the pics. That's enough said.

p/s: Oh yeah, I've forgotten to tell ya that the reason I took the short ride is because of our boss Nathan, said to take the short ride because my bike was taken by his lorry. Oh yeah, the idiot who commented my blog, come up to my face say it to me arsehole. i've got my number 016-9160936. Set up the fckg place and time. ill meet you there arsehole. ill give the time of your life motherfucker.

My baby 1st hash

Nathan and his fellows

How the hash looks like

See the fakawis line up

Short trail 1st stop. Searching, searching.
Downhilling section

On road all the way

Tasik Air Biru

Returning the tags

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If u wanted something challenging in the first place, go for the long ride, not the short! That is why the short ride is also called the SCENIC ride, get it??

If you're going to be a wuss and ride the short ride together with the all the kids and wives, what do you expect? Stop complaining!! Heck, I heard that even a young kid finished the long ride with a normal Lerun type bike, so what does that make you?

2:26 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered how much effort goes into setting a hash? Have you considered how difficult it is to recce and lay paper for a hash with only 2 weeks to prepare? Instead of appreciating others' efforts, all you can think of is your own, selfish self. If its that crap, dont go for any hashes... ever.

I'm not even going to waste my money calling or smsing you. With that kind of mentality and attitude, its not worth anyone's time or trouble.

And yea, what's a comment box for if you don't want to see any comments? Or maybe you can build a filter to show only good, nice comments?

2:29 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a SORE LOOSER.. grow up buddy.. the world doesnt revolve around you..

4:15 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOOSER!! No wonder people wanna sell your bike on BBS. You don't deserve it kid. Not to say the bike is great.. it sucks big time, and with u on it makes it a pile of junk!! Now stop bitching bout things that u don't understand and stop wasting your mom and pops money. Better concentrate on your studies and learn something before you become a bigger looser.

8:26 PM GMT+8  

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